Course curriculum

    1. Welcome!!

    2. A message from your instructors!

    3. Digital Consultants Notebook *not required

    1. Empathy Mapping

    2. Journey Mapping

    3. Questions?

    1. Digital Marketing Strategy 101

    2. Digital Marketing Strategy

    3. DC Market Strategy Template.pdf

    4. Creating a Marketing Plan- Part 1.

    5. Creating a Marketing Plan- Part 2.

    6. Creating a Marketing Plan- Part 3.

    7. Creating a Marketing Plan- Part 4.

    8. Creating a Marketing Plan Presentation

    9. Questions?

    10. Creating a Marketing Plan

    1. SWOT Analysis

    2. SWOT Presentation

    3. SWOT Template Download

    1. Information Architecture

    2. Information Architecture Presentation

    3. Questions?

    1. Great Job!

    2. Final Chapter Quiz

Creating a great experience and strategy

  • 24 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Discover your potential, starting today